Friday, October 7, 2011

What motivates you to write?

          In my case, what motivated me to begin writing was a couple of friends persuasive attitudes. I was busy at the time, working two part-time jobs and being a mom. Looking back, I don't know when I fit in time to get much writing done and wonder why now, being less busy, I find it hard to do nearly as much. Maybe I'm just getting old. ;-)
          Hoping to get published, of course, is great motivation. For me, writing is also a great escape. After parenting 3 hormonal teenage girls and a pre-teen daughter, along with a son with ADD...a fictional world of my choosing is a fun place to visit. Maybe it's my way of getting to be in complete control. I dunno.
          Trying to keep up with a critique group is motivational, too. In fact, I need to decide which book to focus my attention on next or I won't be sharing anything after a couple more weeks. Hmmm...eenie meenie...


  1. You mentioned the escape aspect. That and getting published are two motivating factors for me as well.

    Reading fiction always allowed me a chance to disappear briefly from my own issues and problems, coming back with a more refreshed mind to deal with them. So writing allows me to create a fictional place and journey where I invite others to come along with me and escape as well.

  2. The nagging feeling that I'm not living the life I want because I'm not writing. Working on that now. Looks like we are in similar boats - look forward to following you on your journey.

  3. @Angela- Well said re: the brief escape and I love that we get to invite others to join us. :)
    @Tasha- I know that nagging feeling all too well. Best of luck to you in your journey also.

  4. I started this thing just to see if I had it in me to complete a full-length novel. I managed to do it in 30 days (my personal NaNo), and by then I was hooked. The whole creative process is so much fun.

  5. @Donna- That is awesome! I'm going to do that next month...hopefully. I'm having trouble waiting until then, but that's partly because I'm procrastinating my revising.

  6. A write because of the thrill that comes from creating something that hadn't existed. I revise because of the desire to become published. :)
